For this trip in Japan (Japan Trip 6, JT6) I thought I would do something a bit different. I will be doing daily posts about my activities each day that include things that I never blogged about before because I didn't think they could stand alone. I will keep doing my travel write ups, but these daily posts will be more "slice of life in Japan" I hope!
Oh, and I will get back to coordinate posts very soon, thank you guys for asking about that^^ Now that I'm in Japan again I have no reason to not try haha!
Anyway, my flight to Japan was so long!! It was 13 hours, does it get long than that? Does it take anyone 14 or more hours to reach Japan? But luckily Air Canada is a really nice airline! I mean way nicer than other's I've tried and especially Delta (which is my hub airline) They had monitors in each seat, and you could choose from like 20-30 movies! It was very nice.

Out of order, but this shows how I've take over my friend's apartment haha XD
The flight was not so horrible, just long. My middle seat was open, and the Hindu meals were good. But the horrible part was at the immigration, the line was crazy! Longer than you could imagine! It snaked through the cordons, around the room and then back out through the room, through quarantine. It took me an hour just to get through that, when it usually takes about 5 minutes. XO
I arrived at my friends apartment around 18:00, and it had rained on me during the walk. It was so freaking humid that I couldn't dry off! Luckily a shower helped, and then I had dinner.

My first dinner of this trip, yeah I drink tea not alcohol like my friend haha
I often photograph food, but I have never showed you guys the meals I usually eat here in Japan. Some people were curious about how I lost weight in Japan, and perhaps you can see why? I had a salad, marinated veggies/tamagoyaki/fishcake and some clear noodly things that had only 6 kcal for 100 g.
I will start sharing the meals I eat everyday, maybe it's not interesting but it might be helpful to those who are curious about my weight loss. Now I'm just sitting on the sofa and typing away. The laptop is making me hotter, but I found a way to keep a little cool.

Head scarf keeping me cool!
I'm tying the handkerchief on my head to keep all the hair off the back of my neck. It's nice because it doesn't kink my hair like bands do. My hair is getting so long, it's really uncomfortable in the heat haha. Well I will try to update again tonight!