Meetup with Bulaklak at the Mall of America

Good morning everyone! It started snowing here ALOT yesterday and though I hate snow for many reasons, it looks so beautiful and like Christmas time I feel really happy looking at it right now. Luckily the snow held off until this weekend because it would not have been fun for the meetup!

Oh that's right, I had a meetup here in Minnesota! Its the first time I've been able to meet with people in the US that share my interest in gyaru fashion, and it felt really nice to be able to talk about it in real life rather than the net!

The Mall of America, where we met up

I met with the two Minnesota members of the gyaru-sa Bulaklak Tribe, Justin and Emily! How lucky is it that I can live by gyaru and gyaru-o even in such a boring place as MN haha! I had always wished I could meet with them since I knew they lived nearby, and I was so happy when Justin contacted me about it XD

Sorry for the terrible flash everyone XD

We decided to meet at the Mall of America, is the most well known tourist spot in Minnesota and it has the best shopping. Right now it's the only place in Minnesota that has H&M, Forever21, Betsey Johnson, Hot Topic and Sanrio (all my favorites). Too bad it's so far away.

I came later than Emily and Justin, I really appreciate that they didn't mind too much. I had some issues with my circle lenses and makeup that made me even later, but when i finally arrived it was SOOO fun!

Silly shot at the Rainforest cafe

Here is what the interior of the Rainforest Cafe looks like, all jungly!

We did some shopping and talked alot about this or that in the gyaru world, which was great for me since I only started trying to dress gyaru since August, so it was great to hear their opinions.

Group pose, gals of Minnesota! (I suck at posing, Emily is especially good!)

My favorite shot of Justin and Emily, it's Christmas-y!

Emily had such beautifully curled hair! It seems that she is really great at hair styling, so I secretly hope someday she could do my hair. Her makeup really suited her also! And it turns out me and Justin have similar tastes in fashion because we now have the same cardi & tshirt from H&M and necklace from Forever21! We can do a twinsie XD

You can see Justin's post about our meet, his gets, and great coordinate on Bulaklak Tribe's official website. We had a really fun time shopping and taking photos at the MoA, I hope we'll be able to meet again soon! I will finish this post by sharing some pictures of MoA itself.

Mall of America is the biggest mall in the US, Canada beat us some time ago for the biggest mall in North America, but that's ok to me because I can easily go to MoA haha. There are four wings, with four floors each. There is much more to do than shopping or eating though!

Nickelodeon Universe theme park

I thought of Kanako when I saw this display so I had to snap it!

The MoA also has a fully indoor theme park that is sponsored by the TV network Nickelodeon, so you can see lots of characters like Dora, Spongebob, Fairly Oddparents etc there. Its great for kids. But if the kids get bored there is also an aquarium and full sized theater in the mall! Well there's no reason to come to MN, but if you do you have to stop by MoA haha!
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