tutuHA is offering 120 bags, and I'm reading on girls blogs they went to line up at 6:00 am and such, I can't really compete with those odds. I'm just hoping tutuHA will do the same sort of item sets like during their summer sale^^
I'll be going back to Shibuya tonight so I'll also stop at 109 to see what's good and on sale. I'm going to meet with Thanh Thao again, and perhaps a friend of hers. So it's high time I get our Jan 30th puri post before their out-dated XD

These were taken in the Lumi3 machine

Thanh Thao decorated the right puri so nicely! I felt like a creep glomming onto her tho XD
After we did the purikura we made a quick stop at 109 upon my request, tutuHA had restocked the purple cross necklace and I thought that color would be the most contrasting with the colors of clothing I'm often wearing. Since I just bought the necklace it meant I could finally get the small shopping bag!
I'm too excited about that shopping bag...
I'm still unsure if I was to get more cross necklaces. They have white, green and black in stock now. I'll think about it a couple more days^^