I suppose it seemed like One 7 Ways had finished or just disappeared since its been a few weeks since the last edition was posted. But I just put it on a little hiatus while I was traveling. I really hope that people haven't gotten bored or lost interest with One 7 Ways. I really like it because it's an interactive series XD
Anyhow this week has a kid of outerwear/monotone theme. I picked some items that I purchased during this most recent trip to Japan to be the voting items. And I thought since its going to be around -27C this week some outwear items would be timely and appropriate XD
Items for this weeks vote

A. JSG leopard parka
B. GLAD NEWS oversized tshirt
C. Tralala russian hat
Please take a quick moment to vote in the poll below, and which ever items receives the most votes will be the item I coordinate next Tuesday! I think that this weeks vote won't be as close as the last one, but I hope everyone enjoys the items I picked out this time^^
On a totally different fashion note - who else is amused the that Working Woman items on PoupeeGirl are just sexy cosplay costumes? I expected some button down OL clothing and there's a mini-skirt police costume with fuzzy handcuffs... Is that's woman's work in Japan?? haha!