Good evening all! I wish I could say I had a productive day, but all I really got done was listing the last of my gyaru brand clothing for sale. Then I just had to hang out in my room and be pathetic TT But atleast I am finally getting a new ONE 7 WAYS started haha.
I can coordinate the item that wins next week, but the following week I will be back in DisneyWorld hehe! So make sure to pick something exciting this week XD
O7W 15th edition Voting Items!
A. Striped collar shirt
B. Satin trim shorts
C. Graphic Tank
The theme of these items is "Beige" haha well we can call it beige explosion to make it sound more exciting/fun ^_~ I think since beige is neutral it can really be utilized in any season, I hope to show some nice autumn outfits with beige!
Please take a quick moment to vote in the poll below, and which ever items receives the most votes will be the item I coordinate next week. Make sure to cast your vote for your favorite items so it can make it to the coordinating round, every vote counts XD