I want to thank everyone who commented on yesterday's Ikebukuro post, I was really happy that it people like the photos and little info I included. I will try to do a travel writeup every other day or so. I mean the theme of my blog is "Japan for cute girls" so I need to write about Japan too haha!
But today is not a Japan travel day, it is a "I got an idea about my gyaru goals, imma gonna make a meme of it!" type of day haha! XD
Basically I want to become a gyaru, and I know that I am just starting out and have a long way to go. And I am the type of person that needs to write my goals down to keep track of them, I thought a meme would be a fun way of doing it.
Please copy and fill out the meme if you enjoy it!!
Gyaru Manifesto Meme (in which you write out your gyaru goals and inspirations!)
Name: Sara Mari
Location: Minneapolis/Tokyo
Occupation: Student
Height: 173 cm
Hair/Eyes: Auburn/teal
(Include any other stat info you feel like)
First discovery of gyaru:
Autumn 2009

Your Gyaru Style: (however many you like)
1. Rock
2. Pop
3. Mode
Your Top 5 Gyaru Model Inspirations:
1. Sakurina
2. Kanako
3. Romihi
4. Natsumi
5. Chinatsu Wakastuki
Your Top 5 Gyaru Non-model Inspirations:
1. Morimayu
2. Aimin
3. M******
4. P******
5. A******

Your 3 Favorite Gyaru Magazines:
1. Ageha
2. Egg
3. Popteen
The Top 6 Gyaru Brands you like best:
1. tutuHa
3. Ghost of Harlem
4. One Spo
5. W*C
6. Gilfy
3 of Your Favorite Coordinates: (not your own)

Any coordi with the tutuHa onepiece, bandage skirt coordis, and obnoxious prints!
Your 7 Favorite Fashion Items That You Own:
1. tutuHa lace onepiece
2. tutuHa 2-way bag
3. Tralala fedora
4. W*C Ugly cap
5. tutuHA blackXwhite tutu skirt
6. H&M skull tanktop
7. Betsey Johnson spangle skull onepiece
Top 10 Gyaru Fashion Goals:
1. Become Gyaru (duh XD)
2. Grow my hair longer
3. Get better at teasing my hair
4. Make my eye makeup more dramatic
5. Have confidence when shopping
6. Don't buy things I'll never wear
7. Buy and use more jewelry
8. Focus on my favorite styles, don't stray to Agejo (haha)
9. Fit into Japanese "M" size better
10. Love myself more. Be sexy and get wild! haha XD

I love W*C! The clothing, the coordinates, the creator, the staff-chan!
Top 5 Gyaru Achievements:
1. Realizing I want to be gyaru
2. Meeting wonderful gyaru online and in Tokyo
3. Deciding on the gyaru styles I will focus on
4. Taking my photo with Morimayu
5. Compliments received from tutuHa Staff
Well that was the little meme I made up. It took me a lot longer than I thought it would haha. So please please fill it out! (If you want to) And if you do fill it out, please send me the link, I'd love to read it. And maybe we can make a collection of Gyaru Manifesto!
EDIT - Stupid me, I forgot to include a blank form. So here it is for your easy copy and pasting^^
(Include any other stat info you feel like)
First discovery of gyaru:
Your Gyaru Style: (however many you like)
Your Top 5 Gyaru Model Inspirations:
Your Top 5 Gyaru Non-model Inspirations:
Your 3 Favorite Gyaru Magazines:
The Top 6 Gyaru Brands you like best:
3 of Your Favorite Coordinates: (not your own)
Your 7 Favorite Fashion Items That You Own:
Top 10 Gyaru Fashion Goals:
Top 5 Gyaru Achievements: