Kameido Shrine fuji matsuri pt.2 img hvy

I had meant to have 2 more blog posts done by this time, but I have just been so tired I can't even think in a straight line haha! I woke up with a bit of a summer cold today, so I tired to take a nap after I'd been awake a couple hours but it didn't work. I guess there's nothing to do, but try to work through it and not give in haha!

So today I want to finish up my post about the Kameido Shrine fuji matsuri. I wrote about the history of the shrine in my previous entry, so now I write alittle about what I did and how I felt while attending the matsuri. This is proving to be quite difficult however, whenever I try to think of something good to write my brain just goes blank...

The typical shots of charms tourists have to take at shrines haha

As you saw in the last post, it was quite packed with visitors and so my main concern was to get the photos I wanted regardless of how many people were trying to jump in front of me. And boy did they try to knock me out of the way! That's one problem I have in Japan, I'm used to moving aside for people, but sometimes it gets really tiring being constantly shoved around.

But once I got through the fuji terrace/pond area the crowds cleared out considerably. I guess everyone was there just to take photos of the flowers basically hehe. I was able to get some photos around the shrine of the typical things tourists take photos of, and then my friend wanted to sit down and take a rest. I guess going through that human sea was tiring for him too haha!

Kakigori かき氷

He wanted to have kaki-gori, and I saved our seats. I didn't really want to share the kakigori because I was being a good dieter but it was really too much for one person haha. Noone was eating kakigori, but after he brought one back to the seating area, about 7 other people went to get some too haha^^

A gyaru hanging out at the Kameido shrine

While we were eating I saw about 3 great gyaru wandering by, and I was able to snap a shot of the best one. Doesn't she just look way too cool??

After we finished eating, we got up and explored the rest of the Kameido Shrine grounds, including the food stalls. My favorite part of matsuri as you might remember hehe^^ The layout of the grounds wasn't really conducive to the stalls and it was a bit cramped. Luckily most people were not interested in them.

The kingyo sukui

The shooting gallery stall. Those little kids have cool hair XO

Cooking taiyaki. Isn't that too hot to touch with bare hands??

On the way out of the shrine there were more stalls, and while the food was great to photograph I found a very cool lady working the chocolate banana stall. Usually I try not to photograph the stall workers, since it's really the food I'm interested in, but I made this exception. I was just amazed that such a cool and fashionable lady was doing a job like this.

This lady is so cool, and such a wistful expression

In the end I was able to write more than I thought I could haha. Now I have to go cut the grass again, but luckily after that I should be able to rest and hopefully sleep off this cold. Have a great day!
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  1. Hi I just stumbled onto your blog and it's really nice :)
    The "kingyo sukui", I think it's from the movie LoveCom where they actually visit this matsuri and play that game with the goldfish :D Wow cool.

  2. Cute pics, oo gyaru o :):):) haha, I really want one of those banana things :P

  3. Feel better sara! You need a vacation you work too hard, lovely pictures as always though

  4. I love those pictures, so beautiful!
    Best one is the one from the gyaru-o, he's so hot xDDD

  5. that last girl is sooo pretty! tall and beautiful!!


  6. Ooh that shaved ice looks delicious!

  7. thx for the photos,feel better soon!

  8. great photos ^^ have u tired scheuduling posts? and tehe that gyaru is cool ^^

  9. Hope you feel better soon. Great photos from that matsuri. I know what you mean; Sakie is often saying that people not going around her and bumping her to the side is one of the down sides to being back in Japan.

  10. Sounds like lots of fun,love the photos:D

  11. The kingyo sukui looks so fun! And I am digging the jacket on that lady. ;) Feel better soon!!

  12. Wow!! Wonderful pictures as always!! :D
    Everything looks so delicious! And that gyaru and vendor owner in the last picture look very cool!
    Now I'm hungry..>.<

  13. Feel better, Sara Mari!! *hugs*
    Lovely photos as always, & that gal is wearing the wc pants I've been lusting after, haha! :O Great rock-kei look~

  14. Thanks for sharing your lovely fotos with us again, Sara! Matsuris are always so exciting, but the crowds are a bad side effect :-))

    Hope you get better soon!! Maybe I should send you something to make your day more brighter?? XD

  15. aww feel better~ :'3

    is that a gyaru-o?
    he looks fiiine. |D

    haha great pictures~! <33

  16. I always love your pictures. They make me want to go back to Japan so much!!

    I saw quite a few Gals in Asakusa last time I went, which surprised me as I didn't the time before. But she has to top it, well done for getting a photo :D

  17. oh wow, i wish i could experience japan like this! and that last photo reminds me of NANA!! so beautiful!!

  18. Hope you feel better soon. :3

    Wonderful photos. I so love the food photos. And the girl is too pretty to be selling chocolate coated bananas. :)

  19. You post so fast XD
    That Kakigori looks GOOD!! *__*
    I like the outfit looks comfortable and cool

  20. I love these kind of pictures ♥ And both the women you photographed are way too cool~ *-*

    I miss being Japan. haha

  21. i really admire how even though you always say you are tired and didn't do much, you still manage to come up with great posts like this, and almost daily ... i think it's great <3 you blog more often than most people, and i know lots of people look forward to your posts =) i know i do!

    those charms are so pretty.. some of them have really pretty colored drawings on them..

    i really love this photo - http://lh4.ggpht.com/_j_kNyac1mWI/S-CrdmfdthI/AAAAAAAACpI/WcJo7cci7Cc/s800/japanmay10day4o.jpg - the fish are so bright and vibrant

    but omg, that kakigori looks so refreshing - i had those in hawaii called "shave ice" and i guess in the mainland, they call it snow cones? i would love to try the ones in Japan though, i bet they have awesome flavors.

    OMG TAIYAKI - i love taiyaki , i had fresh ones in hawaii. why would that guy touch it with his hands? LOL

  22. i loved ur post, but just to point it out...i'm pretty sure that "gyaru" is a guy...if it was a girl, then wouldn't the style be more yankii-ish than gyaru?

  23. I thought that was a guy too! :p I hope you feel better soon!


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