Anyhow, I thought we could move onto the Japan Trip 6 coordinates since I have actually been keeping up with editing those photos so far haha. My goal for this trip has been to really work harder on my fashion sense and style. There are so many great fashionable lady bloggers out there, and I want to be awesome like them XD I also want to express myself more through fashion, since I wasn't able to when I was fat.
Right now my wrist is killing me! I've been awake since 6:00 am typing for schoolwork and blogwork, so it's getting all carpal tunnel-y DX I will try to keep this post shorter for both our sakes haha!

Day 2 coordinate, can you see how the rain made my pants wet? haha
Glasses: Forever21
Shirt: Kohls
Pants: H&M
Belt: Candie's
Shoes: Steve Madden
Bag: Converse
On Day 2, I went shopping like I wrote about in this post. I had just arrived in Japan and was feeling a bit draggy still so I wanted to wanted to wear something that was stylish but still comfortable. Below is my inspiration photo.

Day 2 inspiration
As you can see, I tried to copy this as closely as I could. I found this image in the most recent issue of Popteen. It's rather shibuhara though I think haha^^
Day 3 I went to an employment office and then a big park here in Edogawa-ku called Kiba Koen. I didn't do anything that I needed to be fashionable for, but keeping in line with my fashion goals I tried to put together a nice coordinate. A part of my goal is to dress up whenever I leave the house. I should do a post on my fashion goal...haha

Day 3 coordinate (outside my apartment)
Shirt: H&M
Belt: Forever21
Skirt: Candie's
I think this coordinate is mode-kei. And I really love making my hair huge like that haha! Although it comes down rather quickly, does anyone have tips for keeping hair big and teased? Below is my inspiration shot for this coordinate (also from the recent popteen) but I took it in a different direction with the hair and hat^^

Day 3 inspiration
And just because I am vain, I present you with this bonus shot of me. I'm being all serious and artistic or something. I really liked doing this brooding pose in front of that super cute mural. Don't you love the pink dinosaur?? XD

I'm full of emotion
PS: If you were interested in W*C's recent lucky bags you should check out Mana's Post! She picked up a bag at the Osaka store, and you won't believe all the awesomeness she got for just 5,000 yen!!