This is my last week in Japan. I can't believe that 5 weeks, more than a month, passed by that quickly! I can remember arriving and being nervous, excited, homesick then suddenly its time to leave again. I feel rather disappointed to think about going back to MN, so I tell myself that its too lonely here now that my friend has such long working hours...yah.
Well onto the main part of this post - the coordinates.

Day 10 coordinate
Headband: Cryx
Dress: H&M
Belt: Steve Madden
Bracelet: tutuHA
On day 10, I didn't really do much. During this trip I had a lot of days just staying home or shopping at the local super market/Daiso/Picasso. Since I've been to Tokyo so many times, I've like run out of touristy things to do. Or the energy to be touristy? I don't know, either way haha! So anyhow, I just dressed up to go to the super market and local bakery.
I'm going to write about that bakery here by the Ichinoe station someday, its small but has great bread. I think I will go buy something for my friend from there today^^
Day 11 however, I didn't stay in or local at all. I went all the way to Harajuku just so I could collect photographs for you guys! Well and shop at W*C, but shhh, it was mostly for photos hehe >.>

Day 11 coordinate (and my amazing pose XD)
Headband: Target (like 8 years ago now TT)
Cardi: Forever21
Onepiece: W*C
Skirt: Vanquish
Shoes: please don't look at them...
I wanted to make really big hair, and it came out "ok" but it was not big enough at the top. I purposefully chose a pic that makes my hair look better, but in other shots you can see it was too wide and not tall enough. But as for the outfit, I like this W*C onepiece very much, there's no room for my chest, but it makes me look thin I think XD
Continuing my recent trend with these coordinate posts, I present you with the bonus shot! I mentioned I went shopping at W*C, I really like the shop location in Harajuku - its bigger and not very crowded. After I made my purchase I got this shot with the staff-chan, her style is so interesting and cute!

With Harajuku W*C staff-chan!
And if after reading this post you are looking for something to do on the net, may I recommend some nice giveaways to enter? Everyone loves the chance at winning wonderful prizes right? XD
Sasa is having another amazing giveaway featuring her drawings and handmade items! If you missed out last time, here's your chance! Go enter now!
Or if your more in the mood to spice up your fingernails, Bondon de Sucre is giving away two beautiful sets of nails! The designs are SO cute, you have to check them out and enter the giveaway^^