I hope after yesterday's post, that today's is not going to be a let down. Looking at my coordinates like every week might be getting boring, but I hope not because I really like dressing up and sharing them^^/ I have so many coordinate ideas in my head so my goal is to dressup atleast 3 times a week now, so if you don't like the coordinate posts I'm sorry. There will likely be many more haha.
On Day 27 of Japan Trip 6 I went to Shibuya again to have a meetup with Emmelie while she was on vacation in Tokyo. I had an idea for what I wanted to where for a long time and I just needed a reason to wear it, and meeting a lovely lady while hanging out in Shibuya was just the perfect reason for me hehe! I wanted to wear my tutuHA babydoll again (This is the third time I've shown a coordinate with the tutuHA babydoll, but Day 27 was the second time I wore it).

Day 27 coordinate
Hat: LDS
Vest: tutuHA
Top: tutuHA
Skirt: Tralala
This was one of my favorite coordinates. I really liked the mix of the royal blue and red, those colors have become my favorite colors to wear. I also tried a new hairstyle of wearing two buns (one is covered by the hat). I always feel a bit strange wear 2 of things in my hairtstyles like 2 pigtails, 2 buns etc because I feel like its only for kids sometimes, but at the same time it looks so cool haha!
This is about the time during Japan Trip 6 when I stopped going out every day, by the end of the trip I was really only going out 3 or 4 days a week because I had run out of ideas of what to do haha. So from now on you will notice some gaps.

Day 31 coordinate
Crop top: CRYX
Tank top: Forever21
Skirt: Forever21
On Day 31 I went on the Sumida river cruise from Asakusa to Odaiba again as a way to celebrate my friend's day off on the weekend. He had started a new job and was working 14 or 15 hour days so his free time is quite precious. I was really looking forward to shopping at the Venus Fort outlet, but honestly it was nothing spectacular. But the male staff at the Cecil McBee said this outfit was cute, so I guess that was worth the trip? haha!
Hmm, what happened to day 32, I don't know! But on Day 33 I went out shopping at Shibuya 109 by myself for a short spell. I brought out the red hat again, but I went for a different look with it. I tried the fake bob again and with much better results hehe.

Day 33 coordinate
Hat: LDS
Crop top: one*spo
Dress: Walmart
Obviously I took this photo in the 109 restrooms, but the lighting in Japanese public restrroms always seems friendly to photos. I mean atleast you don't get those hideous shadows like you do from flourensent lighting. Oh, all this classroom discussion is really distracting me from getting this post written out. Now all I can thinnk about is poverty and war lords... Well as an end note, I guess these are some coordinates that I really like and I hope you do too hehe^^/