Regarding the title of this post, by trad I mean "traditional" (trad makes the title shorter haha XD). So I wanted to show how you could achieve a traditional gyaru look, a d.i.a and Aina/Yumachi look. Not a sweet, rock, mode, agejo etc etc look.
To give you an idea of what style I'm talking about see these pictures below:

via Cosmic Love

via Kanako_ageha no Blog
I was inspired to do this post today after I went to one of the local shopping malls and was lured into Wet Seal by the cute Halloween costumes they had in the window. Wet Seal is a teen/20s shop with mostly party and casual type clothes. Lots of cheap taste and polyester materials, not a place I shop.
But today I spotted alot of items I thought could be worked into a gyaru wardrobe. This is just my opinion, I am no expert at gyaru, I just think the items I'm posting fit the traditional gyaru style. I hope you find some inspiring items XD




The plaid skirt is similar to the first shop staff picture, don't care for the ribbon tho.


See! I think it's quite possible to achieve a gyaru look without spending money on Japanese brands. You just have to explore new stores and hunt for specific items. And all these items are low-cost, the most expensive item in this post was the boots at 39.50$