Not a hiatus, just less quantity or quality haha!
A real-life friend of mine once suggested I make some more personal posts here since they perceived some kind of distance between me and my blog. So I thought I'd show something of my past.

Photo books, postcards, calendars, cards, t-shirt, posters etc
Hmm, this is some of my old anime collection I gathered as a kid and a teenager. I mean of course I had alot more...^^;; but these are items that I haven't been able to get rid of.
But what do I do with these old things now? All the kids are into anime now but they don't like these old shows I'd guess haha. Kenshin, Wiess Kruez, Gundam Wing, Card Captor Sakura...

Lots of figures, some toys and cosplay stuff
I had shuffled these off to the basement but my mom doesn't like so many things stored there, so they've been piled on my bedroom floor for a couple month now.
Call me a weeaboo (god it was so nice before that word was invented...) whatever, I used to love this kinda stuff and having lots of those figures was fun to me. But now though I don't feel anything special about it I can't just put it in the trash!
Well thats a bit about my personal life? Don't worry I'll do a better post later XD
Oh EDIT - I'd sell it but I don't want to bother too much