If you remember back a couple weeks, I had a charity sale of a green tutuHA cross. Arielle very sweetly purchased it for 25$ which I then donated to the Red Cross through my mom's work place.
They matched the 25$ making it a 50$ donation in total!

I hope everyone's face is blurry enough, I don't want to betray the privacy of people I don't know
Then today my mom sent me this photo, which are some employees of the Sendai branch of her company (its a big company). They are holding supplies which were bought with the donations made through the company.
I feel really excited to see this as tangible proof that donation money gets to the right place and can help those in need. I hope you see this Arielle, because it's thanks to you too!
I also feel strange because these people are connected to me in a way, but I don't know them. They seem so happy, let's go Japan^^