Today I will just write a bit about what I've been doing in my last week in Tokyo. It's not so exciting since I have not been doing much, as I said before I was trying to conserve money. I have 600 yen left, but luckily just 2 days and basically only packing left to do.

Anyhow, one of the things I can always afford are magazines! I sometimes think "Oh 600 yen is alot for some paper I will toss out in a couple months" but really there is so much inspiration inside. I really liked this Jelly (I got the Sept. SCawaii too, love it) Nuts is looking beautiful on the cover but it took me a little while to warm up to the inside.

Brand A/W catalogs got in Lumine Est

And on Friday I hauled my big butt over to Shinjuku so I could get the new Momoko mook on release day! The mook came with tights, black and green were unlimited, purple was limited to Murua stores/webshop, but black still looked best to me XD I got the limited 5 year anniversary bag too yay!
I picked up the dazzlin' Titty&co. and MiiA catalogs while I was there too. dazzlin' and Titty&co are great!! MiiA is ok, not sure if I will bring it back...
But on the subject of fashion (and where the title of this post comes from) I have to say I have a new brand obsession. I can't just like some brands, I have to LOVE a brand ... XP tutuHA was nice, but I feel like being more age appropriate and trendy recently.
Murua fits those two, plus it still has the unique-ness and visual interest I can't help but be attracted to. Plus Momoko seems to be so hard-working and devoted to her brand! Above are some of my favorite Momoko coordis and below are my favorite shop staff coordis of last week.
Yes these are just from one week hehe. I like how the staff-chan present the items in very wearable ways!
I want to wear all of these!! well except the red hat, but everything else!!
I think I could only pull off the far left, but the others look classy
Casual looks that stand out still!
Bold color points, these are so high fashion looking to me XD
I am really going to miss Tokyo! It is SOOO nice to enjoy fashion here, brands are all at hand, tons of cute well dressed girls about. I have been enjoying fashion offline, its so much more free.