How I organize my jewelry

First off, the 1 year anniversay giveaway was closed yesterday, and the winner was drawn and contacted this morning. I really want to thank everyone that entered, I think this was the best giveaway so far, Thank you guys! It really makes me want to have more giveaways. I will try to have some more soon XD

Until then, if you want to enter a great giveaway AND beef up your winter wardrobe why not enter Herme's giveaway? It closes on the 16th so hurry up and enter now XD If you need more motivation, I'll give a hint - LIZ LISA!

Well onto the main point of this post, last week Chelbunny asked me how I store my jewelry, and if I have any ways/tips about keeping jewelry untangled. I thought it was a great question, but I was not eloquent enough to explain it in words so I thought it would be best to share some pics and post about it!

Here is my jewelry and accessory setup/corner/table (not sure what to call it haha) where I keep most of my accessories. Hats, gloves, belts, scarves...well they are stored all over my room haha, but this is about jewelry anyway^^

I have added the numbers to indicate what is stored where.
1. A small plastic tray filled with hair flowers
2. A bracelet stand (got it at Micheals)
3. Short necklaces
4. Chokers and earrings
5. More bracelets (especially beaded bracelets)
6. Hair bands, bobby pins, and comb
7. Headbands, pom poms
8. shu shus/scrunchies
9. A tray of rings and pins
10. Box of hair clips, ribbons, fake glasses and devil horns in a bowl
11. Long necklaces hung on 3M hooks

Necklaces are always the ones that want to get tangled right? I think the best way is to hang them, so I used the 3M hooks which are movable and removable. But for shorter necklaces I just close the clasps and gently lay them in the drawers. They don't seem to tangle as long as I don't rummage through them alot.

A close up of necklaces in the drawer, I use a washcloth in the bottom for protection

To keep my earrings from getting jumbled up, I keep them on the cards. You could use an earring tree though, I just don't have one or the space for it. I don't wear earring often anyway since I have overly sensitive ears.

Earrings and chokers

If you have any questions about how I organize or store my jewelry, or want to see a picture of something specific please feel free to ask me in the comments. I really want to get more jewelry, but I also don't want to buy a bunch of things I don't use. Which is what I often do... haha!
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