4th of July fireworks photos Img Hvy

I'm tired today after staying awake till 1:00 am last night, aren't I just like an old person? I can stay awake for long periods of time (like 36 hours when traveling) but I look so haggard and I feel really "meh" when I do. We stayed awake until 11:30 doing fireworks in our driveway yesterday and I couldn't sleep easily after that haha!

I decided it was a good chance to dress up a little bit, I mean in red, white and blue. That's not a combination that I usually can walk around it haha.

Forth of July coordinate

Headscarf: Sanrio
Jacket: no brand
Tanktop: H&M (so appropriate XD)
Skirt: Old Navy
Shoes: Target

We don't go to the big fireworks display that the city of Minneapolis puts on every year over the Mississippi river, or not even one of those little town displays. Actually I've forgotten the reason why we don't, but I used to see them when I was little. So to celebrate the 4th we had a small meal and just chatted. My father did the bbq'ing, but there was not much to grill for just 3 people (I didn't eat any meat that day).

I also watched The Sword in the Stone with my dad while we waited for the sun to go down. I like that movie even though it really has no plot, Archimedes the owl is super cute with his crabby attitude. But my dad didn't stay until the night time, which was sad because he missed the nice fireworks we set off.

Photographing fireworks is a bit tricky for me actually, but I really enjoy it. Sometimes you can capture really interesting moments of action if it's timed just right. There's not much I can say, but I hope you enjoy looking at these fireworks photos as I did taking them^^

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  1. i love your outfit <3
    the photos of the fireworks are beautiful

  2. Cute coordinate & definitely appropriate, haha! ❤
    We usually do our own fireworks too so I know what you mean~ you did a great job of capturing them in photos though :Dyy

  3. Hi I'm a new follower :). But about the color combination, I know right! I love red/white/blue together but it looks weird in America to be all red/white/blue when it's not a holiday! hahah. Happy 4th of July! :)

  4. great outfit and i love the photos really arty ^^

  5. Oh your outfit is great! Red and blue together are really cute (I especially love this combination in pin-up style :)). Your shoes are very cute. ^-^
    Oh and respect for taking such great pictures of firework! O_O

  6. wow its super beautiful, and i adore what you're wearing!

  7. Cute outfit, red is my favorite colour! The fireworks photos look really good my pictures always turn out blurry :-(

  8. great fireworks pictures. the second to last one looks really cool and artistic!

  9. the fireworks are amazing and so is your outfit^^

  10. Lovely outfit =) love the photos of the fireworks! :)

  11. The fireworks photos look amazing~
    Cute outfit too!

  12. Great outfit! I really like white, too! :-)

    Aah, your camera is very good in taking pics of fireworks! I can forget about taking it with my digicam, everything's just blurry, hahaha!

    I enjoyed your fotos so much, thanks!

  13. It looks like so much fun, I love fireworks! They're hard to photograph so you did a good job. I love those red shoes btw!

  14. Wow, that photo one before the last is awesome! :-)

  15. Cute outfit!! The fireworks looks like a lot of fun! On Canaday Day, I wanted to go watch the fireworks but I was too tired after work~ haha

  16. Wonderful pics as always! My fireworks pics pale in comparison, I want to steal your camera and skills ♥♥

    Your outfit is so patriotic and cute ♥

  17. You should come style and take pictures of my foods I make for my Happy Little Kitchen blog for me. The food never looks as yummy in photos as it does in real life, but I bet you could make it look as appetizing as it really does!

  18. Oh wow, I love the 2nd to last photo! SO PRETTY!!!

  19. Wow. Those images look incredible. I'm surprised you have a hard time taking them, it looks amazing.


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