And so I thought, well I can write a nice entry in the morning to make up for it. But then my dad calls and tells me he's coming over 3 hours earlier than he told me yesterday. And he acts as if I have nothing better to do. I am really annoyed right now, and I don't want it to come out here.
So that leaves me with about 40 minutes to get everything done I needed to today. I need to do laundry, exercise, email a professor, finish my blogging, edit photos, reply to comments, take photos of my new stuff etc. Sadly somethings are just going to be pushed to the way side. But I thought as a nice quick post I'd share some pictures I took at an arcade of UFO catcher toys!
UFO catchers are so cute, and offer a great variety of fun prizes. But I never or very rarely play them anymore because I quite frankly stink at it. Taking pictures of the cute stuff is good enough for me! So please enjoy this pic spam and have a great day!! XD

Some random cute characters, I love their poofy scarves

Lots of character straps mixed together

Snuggle and pink capybara-san

Argh, such cute Rilakkumas and Elmo

Some One Piece tshirts

Giant cup noodles, filled with 4 regular sized cup noodles

Cute Frenchy type Rilakkuma and Korilakkuma