It kinda feels like I haven't done a nice proper post on Japan in a long while, but I also know that having a bunch of travel write ups in one week can be too much info at once. One of the question I plan to ask in my reader survey will be in regards to whether fashion or Japan posts are more preferred. I really interested to know what people like seeing most here XD

Please ignore that standing up guy staring at me (there's always atleast one person staring at me) and direct your attention to the cool people in the center XD
Today I just want to share some random photos I took around Shinjuku, near the station, when I went to visit a cat cafe back in May. So for everyone who loved the cat photos yesterday, you will be happy to know another cat cafe post will be coming up soon! ^^/

Yeah, I forgot to change my camera settings, but somehow I like the effect anyway haha
Shinjuku is really an entertainment district featuring shopping, bars, karaoke, and especially host/hostess clubs and other entertainment XP The area in Shinjuku that contains that sort of business is called Kabukicho and I wrote about it here. This visit to Shinjuku however did not take me through Kabukicho, so I just grabbed some snaps of whatever I saw haha!
I think Shibuya with 109 is really well known to foreigners as the gyaru hot spot, but I have to say I think Shinjuku is right up there! There are so many gyaru in Shinjuku, attracted by great shopping centers like Alta and Lumine Est (and maybe work?), that it was really hard to fight the urge to snap everyone I saw. But I will try harder in the future to get more people photos.

ABC Mart and Bic Camera in Shinjuku

I love you Sakurina!
In the past I hadn't explored Shinjuku very much, in fact I didn't even go there during my first two trips to Japan haha! But during this most recent trip I had the chance to explore it much more and the more I see it, the more I like it. It still feels seedy (for Japan of course) at night, but there is a lot there so you can't deny it as a great destination spot.

It's really convenient you can reach the metro from side streets like this
Is it me or does Shinjuku seem less of a tourist area, or is that there are just so many tourists in Harajuku and Shibuya that it doesn't compare? EDIT: It's been brought up that many tourists go here! Maybe I just hit a low day because it was off season? What's your experience? Either way, don't be afraid to check out Shinjuku, I'm sure you will enjoy it!

Saw these crazy desserts in Shinjuku too, would you like a loaf of bread with sweets on top? XD