I still have several days worth of coordinates to post from Japan Trip 6 but I haven't been making the time to edit my photos so I can't show them just yet. I even have photos from Japan Trip 5 that need editing, but that's beside this point haha! So I thought for the sake of getting things on track that I would share all my coordinates from September.
9/2/10 coordinate
Vest: Forever21
Dress: W*C
Skirt: W*C
Boots: Kohls
Gloves: Claire's, Bow: SBY
9/13/10 coordinate (I'm amazed my hair turned out how I wanted XD)
Vest: tutuHA
Dress: Charlotte Russe
Shoes: Calvin Klein
There are not so many to share because I was struggling with my self esteem due to my weight gain from returning to America. It's still a constant source of stress but I decided I can't let it hold me back from coordinating and trying to improve my style.
9/27/10 coordinate (a personal favorite!!)
Cardigan: H&M
Camisol: tutuHA
Skirt: tutuHA
Shoes: Steve Madden
Looking back over my coordinates from September, I realized I only dressed up 5 times besides my twinsie with Tori. In a whole month that's only a little more than once a week! I think as with most things, getting more stylish is a matter of practice, and research maybe haha, so I'm making more effort recently.
9/30/10 coordinate (yay, got to wear that hat!)
Cardigan: Forever21
Shirt: no brand
Tie: Liberty
Skirt: No brand
Boots: Steve Madden
Hat: Takara-ya
9/31/10 coordinate
Shirt: Forever21 (plus remake)
Skirt: CRYX
Shoes: Calvin Klein
I have a lot more coordinates that I want to put together so I hope it won't be possible to make just one post on entire month in the future haha. If you have any input on how many coordinates is an appropriate amount for one post, please let me know. I was doing 3, but perhaps something more like 5 or 6 would be more interesting?
Switching gears, I really wanted to share somethings I recently received. One of the greatest features of my blog is its ability to connect me with so many wonderful people around the world, and being able to form friendships with them! I have been honored not only their friendship, but by gifts as well.

Thank you so much Mark!!
My friend Mark Taihei offered to do a art trade with me as a way of celebrating my b-day. (I am terrible and haven't finished my part yet) He drew me a self portrait, and I think it's so adorable - he especially captured the way I hold my legs perfectly haha!
I was lucky enough to receive a portrait from G.G. who runs a very interesting blog! Her drawing style is so beautiful and unique, and you might recognize this coordinate from this post XD

Thank you G.G.!!
I hope I can return all the love I get from my friends here, you guys give me more than I deserve!