This has to be one of the easiest tutorials in the world ladies, for real! It's like I'm cheating you guys with how simple it is, but I hope that just means more people will feel comfortable in trying it out.
First, this is a no heat hairstyle, so you will have to go to bed with wet hair. I know some people don't like that, but I don't think its damaging to your hair. After you take your shower at night braid your hair into many small braids. I find that 8 to 12 small braids works well. I have 11 braids in my hair in the pic below.
After that, it's the easiest step haha, just go to bed and let your hair dry naturally overnight. The longer you leave the braids in, the better they will hold shape when you undo them.
Undoing the braids will result in a wavy/think crimps kinda look. You could easily wear your hair like this just for a cute casual look. But if you want to make the hair big you have to tease it. Teasing in the final step.

PS Tori- it arrived yesterday XD
Just keep backcombing it until you are satisfied with the size. Then you can style it and finish with your favorite hairspray. Make sure to use a lot of hairspray, even on the inside, underside etc because I find my big hair can quickly go flat.
I achieved the final look by brushing the hair backwards first before beginning to backcomb. I think this is the most satisfied I've been with my big hair so far, it's back lit in that photo so you can't see all the volume. But atleast it's almost as big as I wish it could be haha.
Just so you can see more versetility in this technique here are some more styles I made using the braiding method:
So there it is, my fluffy hair tutorial, sorry there wasn't more substance to it haha XD