One of the best points of this trip was being able to meet many new people, and of course the Big Gyaru Me2 in Shibuya. It was a meeting for everyone interested in gyaru, and we met on 1-8-11 in front of Shibuya 109.
The group before heading into 109
I was there 30 minutes early to do some more shooting, and then I waited for others to arrive. It was a bit embarrassing because they seemed to think people would come early, I was standing there 15 minutes with people staring at me until 13:00 which was the meeting time and Charlotte and Rox came!

Charlotte and Rox, also leaders of the Me2!

Me being filmed in tutuHA, none of the shopstaff wanted to be filmed, I'm so sorry TT
After they came more girls showed up and we had 9 in total before we went inside 109 for shopping. The film crew could shoot inside tutuHA and GLAD NEWS, sorry it was uninteresting stores for everybody TT and I ended up buying somethings I can't use because of the pressure!

Heather and Amber

Me, Miu and Shiena
Luckily after the filmed "shopping" the girls could do some real shopping for a tiny bit of time, since we'd have to move on with the schedule quickly. Charlotte and Rox went to Golds Infinity, Tricia went to Tralala, me, Heather, Amber, Thanh Thao, Bloomzy and Lou were waiting in SBY instead of shopping.

Miu, Nicola and Rii
Then luckily more girls came! Miu, and Shiena first came and hung out with us at SBY then Nicola, Rii, Linda, Jenifer and Katja met us just as we were heading out for purikura.

Linda and Jenifer

A group pic with the film crew in Eggnam
The purikura arcade called Eggnam ended up to be a great choice because it was really spacious, not busy at all for a Saturday and had lots of things to do. If you are looking to do purikura in Shibuya I really recommend it!! My only regret is I didn't get more purikura haha.

Tricia, Lou and Charlotte

Bloomzy and Miu at the karaoke
Then it was time to pack it up and head to karaoke for 2 hours. Lots of people got to sing, and us who don't like to sing didn't have to haha. There were lots of Japanese songs, and some English songs like YMCA and California Girls. I sang Bad Romance, sorry everyone who had to sit through it TT

Everyone listing to karaoke!
But Tricia more than made up for it because of her amazing professional singing voice, and her BF too was beyond awesome. Its not fair to be so beautiful and talented too XD
After the karaoke finished everyone was free to do whatever they wanted, some girls went home, the German girls went to Izakaya, I did some purikura with Charlotte, Rox and Shiena and then went home haha.
Overall it was a great success I think. Everyone really looked great and we could have lots of fun experiences together. I hope noone was too put off by the filming that I didn't warn anyone about ><;;; Thank you so much for coming!!
Most of these pics were stolen off people's FB, sorry I didn't get many of my own!