Lumine Est and Alta - fashion in Shinjuku Station

Good day there friends! It's the beginning of the weekend for me because starting tonight and for the next five days I have to move my grandma to a new apartment. It's in the same building, but its going to take forever. So I may not be able to reply to comments as I would like until then TT

But a good new feature! You can now sign into your google account to make a comment on disqus! This should be convenient since this is a blogger blog afterall haha.

Waiting inside the west gate area of Shinjuku Station

Shibuya gets talk about alot in regards to fashion, hanging out and gyaru. But Shinjuku needs more attention because it really is an entertainment area (the entertainment area?) It's not just government building, sky scrapers and a big garden XD

Some of the shops you'll find in Lumine EST

Shinjuku Station itself is home to many great shopping malls, or rather, you can access them through Shinjuku Station. With so many exits and entrances, Shinjuku Eki gets its reputation for being ungodly confusing.

But one of the great malls for gyaru shopping attached to Shinjuku Eki is the Lumine EST mall. In it's basement level you are gonna find all the great gyaru shops!

What it looks like inside Lumine Est basement floor, can you spot the famous Hana here?!

W*C at Lumine EST

Lumine EST has the best layout for shopping, based on long hallways with a lot of space. But there are some shops you can't find there, that's why you may have to also visit Alta!

I went above ground to get there, but it also has it's own exit in Shinjuku Eki, just gotta follow those signs!

Fashion can be found everywhere in Japan, even at the crosswalk

The layout at Studio Alta is very awkward, with esclators being set up so that you can only go one direction, and the walk ways are quite crowded. But you can't deny it's packed full of great gyaru shops^^/

Some bright pumps for sale at Alta

LB-03 in Studio Alta

Lumine EST has a new and clean feeling, but Alta is a bit opposite of that haha. I think if you are going on a shopping trip Shinjuku is a great place to stop, because between Alta and Lumine everything is covered. And you don't even have to go above ground XD

Cakes at a cafe in the basement of Alta

You can even find cafes and restaurants in the basement of Alta, and a Mister Donut! I think that alone is worth the stop XDD
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