Yes I mean nails!
Nail manicures in the gyaru style can get really complicated with intricate designs, massive length and heavy deco, but on the same token you can get cute nails without too much cost or effort. Well having nailist create art on your nails doesn't require much effort on your part, but still!
Pre-designed press on nails require the least effort of all, you don't even have to consult over a design haha! And it takes only a moment to apply them and finish out your perfect gyaru look. Although beautiful deco press-on nails haven't made it to the west very much yet, I hope they will grow soon!
Mini-spam of great press-ons available in Japan!!

Elegant rock nails!

Adorable *0*

The left nails would be great for hime and agejo outfits^^

These look like old-school JSG
The above nails are produced by a brand called RicoAng, and generally cost 2,000-2,800 yen (found in Donki) depending on the complexity of the design. Some of the designs are really great right? It seems alot to pay for plastic chips at first, but that's if you use them only once. Luckily you can use them many times.
Well the first set of RicoAng press-ons I had I threw out after one use because I used nail glue. The glue ruined the nails (and can damage your own nails). But then I discovered nail tape!

My set of RicoAng nails

When worn
Now that I look at this photo, I wish I brought these back to the US... TT the Union Jack nail is not so trendy now, but the others look kinda mode and match alot of looks! Anyhow I used nail tape to apply these so I could easily remove them at night!
Ducato brand press-ons and nail tapes
I have these more simple and girl press-ons too thanks to Hana! I never wear pink nails but if I put them on and change my mind the nail tape will save the condition of my nails haha. I made a hand-painted manicure this week while I was sick to cheer myself up - it's another way to make nice nails with little motivation/energy XD
Colorblock/Murua inspired manicure

Paints I used:
Borghese samples (sorry forgot names), China Glaze Turned Up Turquoise
The Hello Kitty polish I believe I literally got back in the 90s (it's the last remains of my childhood makeup) but it applies as thickly and nicely as the OPI!! I really don't recommend the China Glaze though, it's already 80% chipped off in 2 days and its matte though I can't see that mentioned on the bottle.
I hope you liked all these photos! I think I have gotten too lazy about photography and posting pictures, I know that photos are really the fun part of reading blogs so I will really try harder!