I was asked earlier this summer if I could do a presentation on gyaru fashion at the University of Minnesota on September 23, and given free reign over the content of the presentation. I was thinking that doing a small fashion show along with a lecture would be a nice way to visually present the style (and it's more fun for the audience than me droning on).

At the moment I haven't built any specifics for the fashion show besides the fact I want to show off several gyaru variations. I'm not sure how many models I would need, but I hope there will be some girls who read this blog in MN who would be interested in having a fun afternoon and getting a makeover!
I can provide some clothing and cosmetics but I'm not too worried about that right now as I figure after I decide the details the necessary items will be more easy to decide on^^

The presentation will be at the U of M on September 23rd at 6:30pm (though it will probably take much of the day to make everyone up and organize). The presentation itself will only be about 30 minutes, and the fashion show perhaps 10 minutes. So if you are free that day, in MN and would like the opportunity please send me an email at chouzuru @gmail .com!
I would really love to make this a fun day! Oh and feel free to ask any questions you may have over the modeling^^