Lacosta of (who always has all the Japanese magazine scans up on her blog XD) posted about this very cute and useful meme on her blog called the "Twelve by 2012 Project". It was started by by the popular blog Oh Hello, Friend and is a great way to get some things organized and finished by the end of the year.
Basically you just list 12 things you want to get done by December 31st, and then mark them off as you accomplish them!

My list of twelve before 2012:
bold = finished!
1) Finish writing my thesis - This is the most important thing, without graduating I can't really get on with my life haha
2) Edit all my photos accumulated since December 2010
3) Enjoy the holiday season more than last year
4) Do a winter photoshoot
5) Organize my manga and other small collections
6) Save money
7) Make more coordinates with gyaru makeup more often
8) Create some sort of Christmas giveaway
9) Purchase Christmas gifts for my loved ones
10) Have more deep/important conversations
11) Find a more permanent/career type job
12) Decide where to live (Minneapolis or Tokyo) after the New Year
Of course if this meme looks interesting or fun to you, make sure to check out the original post by Oh Hello, Friend. You can see a bunch of great links to other blogs that are participating as well.
Right now everything has gotten really emotional and stressful. I got really browbeat into taking an extra shift tonight at work, when I already have plans for tomorrow. I would love to work on several things that could make my working experiences better for myself. So this meme just seemed so opportune haha XD