Anyhow, here are some outfits I wore while I was in Tokyo 2 months ago, now it seems strange I was there. I'm here in safety and comfort, while so many are died, or homeless and worrying about nuclear meltdown. Even though I won't talk about it, I can't stop thinking.
1-2-11 coordinate Hat: tutuHACardigan: H&M Tanktop: tutuHA Shorts: no brand Tights: Forever21 |
You may have seen this outfit on Tokyo Kawaii TV, haha, I wore it twice during the trip and this was from the first time. I think it was better looking in the show because I didn't have the pigtails. Anyhow, I ended up ruining those tights that day TT

1-3-11 coordinate Earmuffs: GLAD NEWSJacket: GLAD NEWS Dress: Forever21 Boots: Steve Madden |
I wore this outfit when I went with my friend to a taiyu exhibition event in Roppongi. It appears I was wearing natural makeups haha, but the outfit was cute overall. That was a really fun day, I wish I could be with my friend now.

1-4-11 coordinate Coat: JSGShirt: GLAD NEWS Pants: no brand Shoes: Steve Madden Bag: Betsey Johnson |
What did I do this day? Hmm, I think I tried to exchange my money but banks were still closed haha. This was taken around Ginza, with all the lights around it was really lovely. I got a compliment on this outfit from a gyaru-mama, and looking back I like it too haha!
Also I just wanted to mention that on Saturday I received my DVD copy of the Tokyo Kawaii TV episode I and the Big Gyaru ME2 was in on Feb 26. It was kinda fun to finally see it on the TV screen.
But it was HD quality so I could so all the shadows/wrinkles on my face in my apartment's lowlight. And in one scene I was visibly shaking from anxiety TT
Tokyo Kawaii TV phone strap and pink Domo-kun deco seal designed by Beni!
The filming staff was soooo kind and sent me some gifts along with the DVD. These small things really cheered me up, and shows how thoughtful they are. The written note made me happiest tho. I hope all the TKTV staff are doing fine also.